2 Zodiacs That Can Quantum Leap To Their Dream Lives (When The Sun Conjuncts Neptune On 2/19)
The confident Sun makes a conjunction to fantastic Neptune on March 19th at 7:24 pm. Since this union takes place in intuitive Pisces, it will be easier than most times to conjure dream worlds. Under this transit, 2 zodiacs will have the power to quantum leap to a totally different timeline that is aligned with their best selves.

If you’re ready to trade this humdrum reality for one that’s positively blissful, read on and hope you’re one of the lucky two zodiacs who can benefit from this conjunction, which will never occur again in this lifetime.
Ruled by the Sun, Leo is blessed with tremendous manifestation powers. That’s because Lions can conjure vivid pictures of their dream lives that are very convincing. Instead of asserting, “I’ll believe it when I see it,” this zodiac knows that the key to manifesting is to feel as though they are already living in their wish fulfilled. This ability to embody health, wealth, and happiness before it actually arrives will transport Leo to a gorgeous timeline in late March.
Pisces is gifted at escaping harsh realities for fabulous fantasy lands. When Neptune, the Fish’s ruling planet, connects with the Sun in their birth sign, the effect will be magical. This zodiac can prepare for their quantum leap by devoting a half hour each day to imagining their dream life. Whether Pisces wants to experience ecstatic love, financial independence, or a glamorous lifestyle is immaterial. The important thing is that this zodiac can manifest whatever their heart desires. The time is now.