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15 Things You Realize When You Start Manifesting

When you first discover manifestation, it can feel like the world has handed you a golden lamp and there’s a genie at your service with more than three wishes.

Especially if you’ve lived life feeling like things happen to you, rather than for you. It can feel uncomfortable and confusing to suddenly realize that we are powerful creators and we hold the magic within us to shape our reality.

With that said, here are 15 things you discover about yourself when you first start to embrace the law of attraction.

You realize what you actually want from life…

Manifestation teaches us the importance of getting clear on what we truly desire, opening us up to the endless possibilities around us and helping us to focus on soul goals (what lights us up at our core) rather than what other people have or what might look good on social media.

But you also realize you will have to wrestle with your ego…

However, whilst you try to embrace your soul goals, you will find yourself going back and forth about what you want your life to look like – especially as we live in a world of capitalism and comparison. Do not deny yourself the material things you desire to manifest in life, but always come back to how they make you feel inside, rather than what impression they give off externally.

You realize that letting go is liberating…

Manifestation teaches us the art of detachment and surrendering control. Releasing the need to grip tightly around our desired outcome and trusting the Universe’s wisdom brings a sense of freedom and peace.

You realize that your intuition is always right…

You discover the importance of tuning into your intuition and inner guidance. Those feelings in your gut are never wrong and you learn to lean in more. Trusting your instincts becomes a powerful tool in manifesting aligned opportunities and decisions.

You realize that support is key…

You realize that collaboration and support from like-minded friends and family can amplify your manifestations. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community or seeking guidance from people on a similar path can amplify your magic tenfold. 

You realize you have the power to rewrite your story…

Manifestation helps you understand that you are not bound by your past or circumstances. You can rewrite your story at any time and create a new narrative that aligns with your dreams and desires.

You realize energy is everything…

Your energy and vibration influence your manifestations and you become much more aware of the energetic aspect of manifestation. When you make feeling high-vibe a priority, you notice shifts almost instantly.

You realize patience is key…

Manifestation teaches us the art of patience and trusting the timing of the universe. You understand that the manifestation process unfolds in its own perfect way and that divine timing always aligns with your highest good.

You realize gratitude changes your state instantly…

You discover the transformative power of gratitude. By cultivating a grateful mindset and expressing appreciation for what you already have, you boost your ability to manifest more of what you desire.

You realize self-love is a catalyst for manifestation…

You learn that self-love and self-worth are essential ingredients in the manifestation process. Embracing yourself fully and unconditionally allows you to manifest from a place of genuine authenticity and magnetism.

You realize you are a powerful creator…

Manifestation helps you recognize your innate power to shape your reality. Through conscious intention and alignment with your desires, you realize that you have the ability to manifest positive changes in your life.

You realize not everyone is on the same path as you…

As you delve deeper into your own path of manifestation, you come to understand that not everyone shares the same desires, beliefs, or aspirations as you do. It is OK if people naturally drop away to create space for something more aligned to enter your life.

You realize how integral your mindset is to manifesting magic…

You realize that cultivating a positive and abundant mindset is crucial for successful manifestation. By shifting your thoughts and beliefs to align with your desires, you open yourself up to a world of possibilities.

You realize how worthy you are of your desires…

Manifestation teaches you that you are inherently worthy of all the abundance and joy you seek. Over time you shed self-doubt and embrace the belief that you deserve to manifest your dreams.

You realize manifestation is a lifelong journey…

And finally, you come to realize that manifestation is not just a one-time practice but a lifelong journey of self-discovery and personal evolution. As you continue to align with your desires, you discover new layers of yourself and expand your capacity to manifest even more magic than ever before.